Who am I?

I am a Skidmore College student going into my sophomore year. I am pursuing a bachelor's degree in computer science. From the moment I wrote my first line of code in high school, I knew computer science was my calling. The challenge of solving complex problems and the thrill of creating innovative solutions keep me constantly engaged. I am passionate about exploring new technologies, developing software, and leveraging algorithms to make a real-world impact. I am always learning and striving to be better, whether it’s through building applications or staying up-to-date with the latest industry trends. My dedication to computer science continues to grow every day.

Skills | Experiences | Projects

Software Engineering Headstarter Fellowship

I was a part of the Headstarter fellowship, a 7-week program where I along with a team of 4 other students built different applications. The first project I did on my own was this landing page that you're looking at right now.

Pantry Tracker

This is a site that allows you to track your pantry and see what you have and what you need. For example, if you're running a business and you need to know what ingredients you have and what you need to buy, this site will help you organize that.

AI Assistant Chatbot

This AI-powered chatbot provides intelligent responses to user queries. It leverages natural language processing to understand and generate human-like conversations, offering assistance on a wide range of topics.

Flashcard App (In Progress)

A dynamic flashcard application designed to enhance learning and memorization. Users can create custom decks simply by entering any topic and the AI will generate a deck of flashcards. Features include multimedia support and a user-friendly interface.

Get In Touch

Contact me if you have any questions or would like to connect.